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Construction lumber

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  • Strength and Durability
  • Versatility
  • Cost-Effectiveness
  • Ease of Handling
  • Availability
  • Renewable Resource
  • Consistency in Size and Quality
  • Ease of Modification

Furniture-grade lumber

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  • Appearance and Aesthetics
  • Dimensional Stability
  • Fine Grain and Figure
  • Smooth Surface and Finish
  • Minimal Defects
  • Consistent Color Matching
  • Sturdy and Durable
  • Customization Potential

What Our Clients Say

Guy Hawkins
"The industry's commitment to sustainability is evident, with responsible forestry practices ensuring that the wood used in my projects is sourced ethically and with consideration for environmental impact."
Stive Rob
"The industry's commitment to sustainability is evident, with responsible forestry practices ensuring that the wood used in my projects is sourced ethically and with consideration for environmental impact."


Forestry involves continuous research to understand forest ecosystems, tree physiology, and the impacts of human activities.
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OK Flössen 2025

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